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2018-2019 Academic Year Graduation Ceremony

List of students expected to graduate by the end of the spring semester

The lists of our undergraduate students who are expected to graduate are published on the Registrar's Office website. It is a good idea to check the lists in case your name will not appear on the lists for some reason.

Click to access the list.

Students who can attend the ceremony

Final graduates of the 2018-2019 Academic Year and prospective graduates will be able to attend the graduation ceremony. The names of these students will also be included in the graduation ceremony booklet.

Fall and Spring semester final graduates
Students expected to graduate at the end of summer school
Students who can graduate with the graduation make-up exam within the scope of article 34-2 of the relevant regulation
Graduate students who have to sit on the jury until September
Students in the 1st group, who will not attend the graduation ceremony, and all students in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups, can send the petition form on the web page below between 13-26 June 2019 to the e-mail list. They will forward it. The e-mail subject title must be stated as "graduate candidates".
Click here for the graduate candidate form.

Program winners

Candidates for program top honors must contact the Registrar's Office after their final grades are announced.

Program winners are determined as of the Graduation Ceremony date. There will be no change in grades for students who have a valid excuse but have an I (Incomplete) or similar grade and who will graduate after the ceremony.


Students who meet the graduation requirements must complete the registration deregistration process in order to receive their TEDU diploma.

Information regarding deregistration procedures is available at the address below.

High school diplomas can be obtained from the Registrar's Office after the Graduation Ceremony date.

Students with tuition fee debt

Some of our students may have submitted a petition and received approval to pay their tuition fee in installments, but may not have paid their installments. These students are in debt. These students are required to pay their debts by contacting the Financial Affairs Directorate the week before the ceremony. Otherwise, they will not be able to receive their diplomas at the ceremony.

Faculty members and students will attend the Graduation Ceremony in academic attire. Academic uniforms will be collected from the Dean of Students Office and returned after the ceremony. Those without academic uniforms will not be allowed to enter the ceremony area.

Ceremony seating arrangement and distribution of diplomas

Once the graduates enter the field and sit in their seats, they will not leave their seats, but will sit back in their seats after receiving their diplomas.

After the ceremony begins, the presenter will announce the program names one by one, the graduates of the relevant program will stand up en masse and sit back down.

First of all, the diplomas of final graduates will be distributed. Later, the Diploma Ceremony Participation Certificates of the graduate candidates will be distributed.

Photographs of all graduates will be taken one by one while receiving their diplomas on the ceremony platform. For this reason, once you enter the field and take your seat, the seating arrangement will not be disturbed for the purpose of taking photographs.

Student certificate

For undergraduate programs and non-thesis master's programs, the graduation date is the announcement date of the relevant semester grades, and for master's programs with thesis, the date of the thesis exam jury. A student certificate is not issued after the graduation date.

Contact information

It is important that contact information (address, telephone) is up-to-date so that graduates can be reached when necessary. Students are expected to check this information available on the portal and forward their missing and/or changed address information to the e-mail list.